

Gum Arabic

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Gum Arabic or Acacia is the dried, gummy exudate from the stems or branches of Acacia Senegal or of related species pruces of Acacia. Gum Arabic tears, crystals, granules and powders are almost odourless and tasteless. The color ranges from white to red. The lighter the color, the better the quality of gum. The gum is graded visually buy sorting the lumps or

tears basically into two grades: the clean amber sorts and handpicked selected gum. The bark is removed and sand or silica is sorted out by sifting, aspiration and density-table separation. This is to ensure the cleanest possible gum. In producing spray-dried gum, the gum solution is clarified by centrifugation, filtered, pasteurized in the case if enzyme inactivated gum and then spray dried. The dried powder is screened to assure uniformity of particle size.